The Art of UN-learning

Does this Serve Me?

Not again…I was in fourth grade, stuck inside catching up on math while everyone else played outside.

All I wanted was to flip off the monkey bars with my best friend, but I couldn’t stop creating little characters out of erasers in my desk.

Even then, I struggled to focus on what I had to do because I was so drawn to what I wanted to create.

As an adult, I’ve come to love learning—but mostly when it’s tied to my creativity. Skillshare classes, books, blogs, and endless questions are overflowing. Growth feels natural to me now, but recently, I realized I’ve overlooked an equally important part of the process: unlearning.

Unlearning for Growth

Unlearning isn’t about forgetting; it’s about letting go of beliefs, habits, or ideas that no longer serve us. It’s like decluttering your home—facing each item and thinking, “Do I really need this?” Instead of asking, (in the words of Marie Kondo), “Does this spark joy?” I’ve started asking, “Does this serve me?”

And that question hit me hard. How much mental clutter, outdated beliefs about art, creativity, or even how I spend my time, am I carrying that holds me back?

“An intelligent person is constantly learning; a wise person is always unlearning.”

- Joseph Nguyen

Unlearning in My Art Practice

Subconsciously I think I’ve always believed “good art” requires a perfect concept, a big block of time, or a surge of inspiration. But when I let go of that belief, I found freedom.

One day, I was heading to a friend’s house when it struck me: why not bring along some coloring materials? We could chat and create art together, no elaborate plans, just spontaneous creativity.

And it worked! Not only did I get some drawing time in, but my friend also enjoyed the 15 minutes of unplanned art-making. It was a reminder that meaningful creative moments don’t need planning, often they flourish in spontaneity.

What’s Holding You Back?

Unlearning isn’t about erasing knowledge; it’s about peeling back the layers of mental clutter to reconnect with what really matters.

What beliefs or habits no longer serve you?

What could you let go of to make space for something new?

Let’s reflect together: What’s one thing you’re unlearning today?


Creating Your Own Mandala: Get into Artful Flow


I’m a Collector of Junk…and it feels so good.